
Drivers and Speed Limiter Survey by OOIDA Foundation

In all the issues surrounding the proposal of Minister Boulet on the speed limiter, for the past few months we have heard arguments for, against and anywhere in between. A study of ATRI, one within the members of the QTA, another from the OTA and more. One survey that has passed under the radars in Canada is the one OOIDA’s Foundation made to get the point of view of the drivers on the issue. I did get a copy and I am sharing these numbers today. With the authorisation of OOIDA, I can reproduce the questions and the answers.

The drivers were selected using the Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association data base identifying those drivers who were listed as hired drivers. There were 15,382 drivers identified as hired drivers .A survey was sent to all those drivers with a return envelope. There were a total of 3,422 completed surveys returned and entered into the data base. There were 55 surveys returned with wrong addresses making the total surveyed 15,327. This represents a 22.3% return rate.

1. What trucking company do you drive for?
Number of different trucking companies listed.

2. Is the truck you drive equipped with a speed limiter?
= 64,6% No = 35,4%

3. What is the maximum speed setting of the speed limiter?
Average setting
= 69 mph

4. If the vehicle you drive is limited to a speed that is less than the speed limit on many highways you travel, do you exceed the speed limit on roads or in areas where the speed limit is less than the speed limiter setting to make up for lost time?
Never ` 26.2%
Sometimes 51.8%
Usually 16.7%
Always 5.3%

5. Does the company also speed limit owner-operators’ trucks?
Yes: 9.8% No: 41% Don’t know: 23.3% N/A: 25.9%

6. Please rank what concerns you have about speed limiters. Rank from 1-6; with 1 being the primary concern and 6 being the least concern. If you have no concerns about speed limiters please mark “No concerns” with a 0.
(Ranked by results)
1- Lack of passing speed
2- Increased congestion
3- Being rear-ended
4- Need to drive longer to get miles
5- More frequent passing by automobiles
6- Other; Specify
No concerns

7. When looking for a company to drive for, is the fact that a company has speed limiters an important part of your consideration?
Yes: 2,042 No: 621 Not a factor: 739

8. If all things were equal, would you rather drive for a company that has speed limiters or one that does not?
Does 120 Does Not 2,780 Not a factor 500

9. In your opinion what is the best way to enforce speeding regulations by large trucks? Please rank from 1-6; with 1 being the best and 6 being the least effective.
(Ranked by results)
1- Uniform speed limits
2- Increased enforcement
3- More rigid standards for CDL’s
4- Speed limiters
Lower speed limits
Other; Specify

What do I think? I will comment on questions 4-6-8-9.

Question 4
Many of you on trucking talk radio have made the comments that often the limited trucks don’t slow down in restricted speed areas or in slower speed zones. The drivers confirmed it in the survey saying at 26.2% they always run the posted speed limits when this one is lower then the speed the limiter on the truck allows it.

Question 6
How surprising that the main concern is the lack of passing possibilities with a speed limited truck. I didn’t fall from my chair on that one. Increased congestion behind trucks is a stressful situation while passing on a limited access highway. As a driver, you can’t predict not if but when a four wheeler will jump to pass in the right lane as soon as it is clear to get ahead faster before the big truck can come back to the right lane. Another accident factor.

Question 8
The results speak for them selves. How often, when the financial situation allows a company driver to get his own truck, this driver will lease on with the same carrier? Many carriers will give some incentives based on fuel economy performance to drivers too.

Question 9
It’s interesting to see that uniform speed limits and increased enforcement are way in front of speed limiters when asked about ways to reduce speeding. The speed limiter hits the 4th rang on this one among drivers that were surveyed.

On the rest, I’ll let you make up your own idea. I would greatly have your comments at

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