
Getting Back on Tracks

It is hard for someone, and I am only human, to get over the emotional shock of admitting a defeat. Being the winner is more gratifying even if this is an emotional shock too. It’s a long process that only time can heal but, when I decided to look at the snow melt on my truck and the grass grow under, it’s was also the income generator that I parked. Other decision had to be taken and they took time to accept.

One of the decisions was to only look at the grass grow, not under the truck no more. I had to clean the spot. Like many of us, I often said that I would make a lawn ornament with it and plant flowers around. I resign to the idea on 2 simple reasons, first I have no gardening skills, I needed the money to start up another project and I need to eat some square meals once in a while.

The thing that moves me this week other then the rising curve of diesel prices, is the steps forward of the Bill of Ontario’s Transport Minister Jim Bradley to mandate speed limiters as asked by his homonym David Bradley head of the CTA.

I’ll comment later this week on that topic.

I’m getting back on tracks. At least the Bradley Duo will have done something good for me...

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