
Happy New Year 2008

I did not update my English blog recently. The topics were mostly for the French speaking Canadians. I hope you will forgive me this time. In this time of the year, most of us take a step back to look at what happened in the last 365 days and what could be in store for us for the next 366, 2008 is a leap year…

2007 has surprised many with diesel fuel over the $3.25 mark in the USA while in Canada, the price of a litre of the same precious oil has closed over the dollar in Ontario. The manufacturing slow down had a toll on the trucking industry also. Many plants are either moving where the labour costs are cheaper, are cutting back on the shifts if not closing completely. Our governments are saying that every thing is going good. I wonder if they live on the same planet we are, especially in Quebec

Enough pessimism, let’s look at some good things that happened too. There is a rise in the solidarity among Owner-Operators and Professional Drivers. The associations that regroup them are picking up membership to voice their comments. Here in Quebec, we have seen the start of a new activity for drivers and their families with the Convoy for Special Olympics. The true Professionals are taking a stand and leaving their mark by their courtesy, respect and communications, not only within the driver’s community but also with the public and other road users. Many Medias don’t see it this way and are still showing trucks and truckers as nuisances on the roads with biased polls to sell more papers. To communicate our passion of trucks and lifestyle we have, this will help the general public to understand that without trucks, the economy comes to a screeching halt and if we keep on having restrictions and new regulations, the price of consumer goods is only going to go up.

What I see coming up for 2008.

Honestly, I would be a fool to say that fuel prices will go down. I see a little bit of relief with some more stable prices. I may not have a crystal ball but, I have a feeling that 2008 will see some funny merges among carriers, if not some unexpected closings. The battle to stop Mandatory Speed Limiters in Canada will go on and to stop this madness and we will need a strong voice represent us in all Provinces. The governments needs to know that there is more Owner-Operators then carriers in this country and we need to keep all the tools we currently have to keep up with the large fleets.

Since many laws in many jurisdictions are made that we can not stop to protest, I have a suggestion to make in the beginning of the New Year. Why not make it a habit to run compliant? This is the only way to show to every one that the rules and regulations we have to deal with every day are putting a burden on us. If we keep on hiding the facts, how can we show them!

The true secret is to stay informed. All public documents are available online to read. Staying ahead of the ball is more then ever important if we all want to succeed in this industry we love so dearly.

Happy trails and stay safe for 2008

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