
I must make amends

A year ago, I was making my debut on Sport Plus 172 with a head full of ideas, subjects with some controversy, mixed with a rebellious temperament and no radio experience. Wanting to inform the professional drivers, I also commented on various hot button topics in our industry. I must admit that I have pushed the envelope many times and I went overboard a few times.

I have never wanted to point toward an individual personally, but on the functions that they occupy and I have had strong comments on topics that I esteem important. These same topics are also some that owner-operators or small fleet owners would like to see a more open debate even if there is lack of organizations to represent them.

I know that I have commented on some points like a hunter and not like a sharp shooter. I put this on the lack of experience. I have learned from my mistakes but I won’t stop defending these issues, which many, in our industry, find unacceptable. I learned to moderate my comments but still want the message passed on. We all have to fight the pressure coming from the outside of our industry. Being able to survive and continue to serve the population that expects the goods to be on the shelves of the store, when they want it, after seeing it on a flyer, which was delivered to a distributing agency by a truck, because another truck brought the paper and the ink to print it.

The slogan of most Canadian trucking associations, “If you got it, a truck brought it”, applies to just everything we consume. Even pressure groups for intermodal transportation can’t deny that rails and rivers don’t go everywhere.

I must make amends to all that I have pointed to previously in my comments. As I have written above, I will put more moderation in my comments while keeping my efforts to inform the women and the men that are the driving force of our economy

Jean Catudal

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