
Owner Operators Business Association of Canada, OBAC

I already know what you will say

-It’s only for O/O’s
-What is there for me?
-What can they do to help me if I have an issue with my employer?

For a long while now, I often hear drivers and owner-operators complain that nothing is done, nobody can represent us, and only large carriers have their way in Canada. I say Canada because transportation is federal and laws are applied by the Provinces.

We need a strong representation across the country and in all Provinces. By looking south of the 49th, there is over 150,000 active members with OOIDA and there is over 330,000,000 habitants in the USA. Often the 10% proportion is valid to compare and if we are 35,000,000 here in Canada, OBAC should count more then 15,000 members and it is not the case.

Rome wasn’t built in one day and since 2002, this association if fighting for the rights of the Canadian truckers. One thing I can tell you, even if I am an owner-operator, I am still a driver. Over 10% of OOIDA’s members are company drivers that have understood that the power is in the numbers. The more we will be united under one professional association, the more weigh our voices will have with all levels of governments. Currently, after 3 failed referendums (I include Meech), Quebec is still part of Canada. We have a seat waiting for us at the Forum des Intervenants du Transport in Quebec (Transport Representatives Forum) but, if that seat stays empty, our voices won’t be heard.

OBAC, like OOIDA, is a Professional Association that represents the drivers just like the Canadian Trucking Alliance does for the carriers. It is a lobby group that represents Professional Drivers interests. This is not a disguised union local. Even unions have their seat at the Forum and if you are not unionised, nobody can speak up for you.

The cost of the membership is less then most union fees paid in the industry and you will have a voice. Instead of starting a new organisation in our distinct society that will die by lack of vision, like many in the past, why not strengthen a group that is already there and that will keep up the work in progress.

Yes I am a supporter. I am a member of both association and I believe in them.

The power is in the numbers. We, Professional Drivers, need to regroup to get respect from our governments.

Jean Catudal

1 commentaire:

Cy MacDonald a dit…

Hello Jean,

I am also a member of both organizations. I am also a Canadian O/O leased to a major Canadian Carrier. I found your blog as a result of your spot on xm radio, and have been following it ever since.

Unfortunately, OBAC & OOIDA are misnomers. They both leave the impression, in the name, that they are O/O organizations, although we know that they are not!

Education is the key. Most Cdn drivers I know ask "what the hell is an OBAC?" We, as the members need to spread the word.

Cy MacDonald