
Speed Limiter Simulation

I have got from a good source recently the information that the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators has asked Transport Canada to prepare a study based on traffic simulations with heavy trucks limited to 105Km/h based on real time data. The CCMTA counts on the participation of many high ranked civil servants from all ministries of transportation across Canada. Their study should be ready in spring of 2008. Why the Transport Ministers of Quebec and Ontario did came out last week with legislation proposals for this coming fall before the studies come out?

This gave me an idea, a suggestion to make the simulation a reality.

Let’s use our common sense and especially without breaking any laws to do so. In all due respect of the other road users, like we already do but, for one day let’s limit our maximal speed in passing manoeuvres.

When? What about October 5th! A date that expresses well 105 because if you take the month and the day you get 10-5. This is also a Friday and we also have single though, get home early but, if nothing is done, in a near future we won’t have that ability no more. It is also the preceding Friday to the Thanks Giving weekend. The last long weekend of the year. If together we respect the Safety Highway Code and when needed to pass, we do not exceed 105Km/h on all roadways of Quebec or Ontario, other road users will know what to expect in the future if heavy trucks can’t follow the flow of traffic when needed.

This is just a suggestion I wanted to share with you all.

Jean Catudal

1 commentaire:

Cy MacDonald a dit…

As OBAC would say.."my speed limiter is in the driver's seat"

I find it unsettling that the governments of ON & QC would attempt to impose local regulations on the entire industry, both nationally and internationally. My unit spends most of it's time running the southern 48. This driver has no intention of running through western Texas with 80+ mph 4 wheelers in a 65 mph truck.